
February 4, 2012

Gravity check and too much beer

I sit here with a slight hangover from too much barley wine last night. Chris and I sampled the Noggin Floggin from HUB and one from Green Flash Brewing out of San Diego, CA. Both very big, well hopped and pack with flavor...and alcohol-both weighed in at 11% ABV. Oh well, someone has to do it.

Any way, the reason for this entry is to let you all know how the fermentation from last Saturday's brewing is coming along. If you recall we brewed a Dortmunder which is similar to a Pilsner but with a bit more body. Any how the OG was 1.054 and it's down to 1.014. That's pretty impressive for a lager in one week's time. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the yeast starter and the yeast I captured from the Pils I brewed with Frank in December. The barley wine is down to round 1.032 and still fermenting. I'd like to see the terminal gravity come in at 1.020 or so. I plan to dry hop today with 4.5 oz of Mt. Hood or Willamette or both. We'll just have to see what mood I'm in later.
