Here's our brewing station. We took a 6' stainless steel kitchen table and cut about 10" off the legs. We then added casters so that we can roll the entire station around the garage. We recently had 3 12" diameter holes cut into the table top. We mounted 3 Blichmann burners under the table in order to keep the center of gravity low.
On top of the table, we have a hot liquor tank (hot water), a mash tun, and boil kettle. We use pumps to transport the fluids around (water for mash/sparging, wart for boiling). We also have a plate chiller for cooling the wart down for fermentation.
First, here's our brewing table. With the 3 holes cut into it, the Blichmann burners can easily heat our Hot Liquor Tank, Mash Tun, and Boil Kettle.
Here, you can see all 3 vessels on the table. The pumps mounted at the bottom of the table are used to transfer wort between the Mash Tun and Boil Kettle. During the mash, we recirculate the wort from the bottom of the Mash Tun back to the top.